/, Featured, Uncategorized/Check Out Hand-Written Wishes From Our Guests At The Debut ‘Proclamation’ Brooklyn Party

Check Out Hand-Written Wishes From Our Guests At The Debut ‘Proclamation’ Brooklyn Party

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Tucked into a corner of Malcolm X Boulevard and MacDonough Street in Bed-Stuy lies Casablanca Cocktail Lounge, the historical watering hole where we held our debut Proclamation event series. From 9pm to 4pm the dance floor was packed with fellowship and jams, as DJ Silence, DJ Lindsey, and DJ Just Dizle kept us anticipating the next throwback and current R&B gems to blast through the speakers — sprinkled with early 2000 rap drops here and there. Perhaps the most magical and energizing moment took place when Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright” had the crowd jumping up and down as they proclaimed their tenacity despite America’s constant turmoil.

Check out some of our favorite desires and manifestations from our guests right before they abandoned their worries on the dance floor below.


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By |2015-07-10T18:57:41+00:00July 10th, 2015|Event, Featured, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Check Out Hand-Written Wishes From Our Guests At The Debut ‘Proclamation’ Brooklyn Party

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